Monday, January 25, 2016

Defining Your Values: A Series (3/6)

Hello friends :)

I hope you all have had a wonderful start to your know, I was talking to someone today and I was asking them how their day was going, and they replied with a mellow, "well, you know, Monday." I was tempted to agree and then was like WAIT...NO!!! If the days of the week had feelings, I think Monday would be the most hurt because people always seem to be complaining about the dreaded...Monday! You know it's true! We really need to change our view of Mondays here, guys. Monday is NOT just a boring, dreaded, start to the week. Monday is the opportunity for a new, fresh, beginning! A week full of opportunities, decisions, and moving forward. Why don't we stop looking at Mondays as something to dread but instead as something new we can LEARN this week! Whether you absolutely LOVE Mondays because you love what you do, or you hate your job and the fact that you have to sit at your cramped desk all week listening to your annoying coworkers complain about how the coffeemaker in the lounge stopped working, make a decision to CHOOSE to LOVE Mondays because of the OPPORTUNITIES the week will bring. Happiness is a CHOICE...Anyway, okay, rant over. Let's shift back to what you really came here for...

The real reason I am writing this post is to discuss my 3rd value for our series on values! I am so excited about this, guys!! We are half-way done!

Value #3: Intentional Relationships

Okay, so this is HUGE. Now, I know It sounds like some really fancy thing that seems really complicated and hard, but I am telling you, it's not. It just requires a little...mmm..intentionality (sorry to my 6th grade vocabulary teacher who told me never to define a word using the word). Intentionality means choosing to make time for people...DESPITE the craziness of life. Newsflash, we are ALL BUSY. Yup. All of us, in our own way. So, you are no longer allowed to use that as an excuse because we are all on the same playing field here. :) Intentionality means choosing to act DESPITE your busyness. It means choosing to write a 3 sentence card to your friend on their birthday or anniversary...sending them a quick text letting them know that you prayed for them today (make sure you actually did)...or sending them some flowers when you know they're feeling down...I am telling you guys, people LOVE this. YOU love this! Think about the last time someone took the time to write and send you a personal note. It made your day, right? And you probably kept it for a long time too! Sadly, even though writing a quick note can literally take 5 minutes and is SO easy, this is an area that I am working to be better at as well, so trust me, I am talking to myself here too! Haha.

Anyway, I KNOW this makes a HUGE impact on people in our world. This REALLY lets people know that you CARE, and THAT makes a difference. PEOPLE MATTER. Your RELATIONSHIPS with them matter. In the business world, this tells people that you appreciate them and really do care for them as a lets them know that they're not just a number to you, but a living, breathing person, whom you care about. If you are in the kind of business I am is about SOOO much more than you or I..or even...essential oils (gasp! Yes, I said it!)'s about PEOPLE and the PEOPLE God has put in our lives to SERVE and LEAD. challenge to you (and to myself), is to take a moment RIGHT NOW and write a quick encouraging note to a friend. Go ahead, do it right now. I'm doing it with you.

Now, tomorrow, put a stamp on it and put in in your mailbox. Okay? Okay. Let's be intentional in our relationships.

Love you guys!! Thanks for taking the time to read this! I'll see you back here for value #4 coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. This is really great, Priya. I will never think of Mondays the same way again. And you are so right about writing a few lines - email/ecards/text can never take the place of physical pen, paper and postage! Love you for your heart and admire you for your wisdom. You are awesome!


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