I guess you could say I kind of stand out amongst other people my age. On my weekends, I go to leadership meetings and teach people about health and wellness. In the evening, I'm on conference calls/webinars to learn more about business and leadership skills, and I currently have a stack of John Maxwell books sitting on my shelf that I am working through. I mean, here I am, about to graduate college while on my way to financial freedom through residual income that I have generated through my "side" Essential Oil Business (which I plan to make full time in the very near future). While all my friends are going to career fairs and planning when they are going to take the GRE for graduate school, here I am urgently looking forward to the day when I graduate so I can finally have time to work my business full time. Clearly I'm not your "average" college student. Haha. The question I often get is, WHY? Why am I doing this? Why am I like this? While personality can come into play a little bit, I know the majority of the reason is due to the influence of my parents growing up. Please hear me out, I am NOT saying this to brag in ANY way...I just want to share with you some of the principles of personal growth, independence, and financial freedom that my parents have instilled into me that have made me successful in who I am today, and to show you how these same simple principles can totally rock your world as they have mine.
When I was little, my parents would play CD's of motivational speakers in the car ALL THE TIME. Sounds like a 4 year old girl's dream, right?...Or not. I cannot tell you how many times I begged them to play the Pocahontas or The Little Mermaid soundtrack. I mean, personal development could NOT have been more boring to me at the time. However, whether I realized it or not...the principles I was hearing became drilled into my being, and they have left an enormous mark on my life. This is just ONE aspect of how my parents have played such a key role in my life, and are people whom I really look up to.
The principles I'm about to share with you are principles for SUCCESS that have inspired me on my journey to where I am today. They will inspire you too, and if you practice them, watch out world, because you will be UNSTOPPABLE! YOU were made to THRIVE, NOT merely survive! Never forget that!
1. You are UNLIMITED. Don't limit yourself. Don't let others limit you. My dad used to tell me all the time, "Priya, you can do ANYTHING at all, if you are willing to put in the work. Don't be afraid to dream big." I cannot tell you the effect this has on a child. If you are a parent, don't ever limit your children or tell them they're not good enough. I am telling you guys, if you truly grasp this concept, the world will not be able to stop you. There will be NO limits to what you can accomplish. I have often heard Adam Green, a network marketing professional who I look up to, say that the most expensive thing you can own is a closed mind. Think about that for a minute.
2. Think out of the box. You don't have to follow everyone else, make your own path. For example, our society says to do well in high school, go to college for 4 years, graduate, and then get a good job so you can work for 40 years and then retire to the "golden years," where you can really enjoy life. I don't know about you guys, but I just can't seem to come to terms with the fact that most people work 40 years of their life in a job they don't like...just to enjoy 10-15 years afterwards. Something seems out of balance there. I want my whole life to be golden years, no?! If time is the only commodity we invest that we never get back, why are so many people investing it in something they don't enjoy? My point is this: Don't feel like you always have to go with the "status quo." Remember it is the people who "go against the grain" in life that truly make an impact in the world. Be creative, be unique, be you.
3. Invest in Yourself. The human mind is an extremely powerful tool, and YOU are worth the investment. I cannot stress this enough. All of those motivational speakers my parents made me listen to as a 4 year old? That had a HUGE impact on my life, even though at the time I did NOT enjoy it. Personal development equips you and gives you the tools you need to meet your goals in this world. Life can be ugly, guys. It can bring you down, but if you are equipped to know how to handle yourself in response to whatever comes your way by using your failures to leverage you into greater growth....my oh my...nothing can stop you.
4. ALWAYS have a heart of generosity and gratefulness. When things in your life go wrong, remember that there are always those who have it worse than you. Count your blessings, and readily use what you have been given to bless others. We are blessed to bless. Also, remember that the most important things in this life cannot be bought.
5. Be good stewards of your money! This goes hand-in-hand with #4. Make wise financial decisions. In other words, don't buy things you can't afford and drive yourself into debt. My dad has ALWAYS taught me that if there is any way possible, AVOID loans and debt. You will sleep so much more soundly at night with that stress off your shoulders. Use your money as a tool to work for you. You should own your money, it should not own you. If you're thinking about making a big purchase this year such as buying a house or car, it is always smart to get some financial advising. Personal Capital has some great free finance tools here that can help you in this way.
In conclusion, an open letter to the people whom I can't thank enough:
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you for the incredible impact you have had on my life. Thank you for the principles of independence and strength that you have taught me from a very young age. Thank you for teaching me how to make wise financial decisions, in being generous and giving back, as well as teaching me self-discipline in that area. Thank you for ALWAYS being my number one fan, and encouraging me to fight for my dreams no matter what others thought of me. I love you guys so much.
And to everyone reading this, you ARE a world changer. You CAN make a difference, and you CAN choose to act today and start living the life you want to live.
Love you guys!! Be sure to hit the "follow" button on the right so you can be back to continue our series on personal values!!