Sunday, August 14, 2016

On Goals and the Journey to Silver!

So let me be the first to say that I am writing this WAY later than I anticipated. When I went Silver in 6 with Young Living at the end of June, I expected myself to have written about it much sooner, but here we are in mid-August already!

Anyway, better late than never, right? :) Hitting Silver (in 6) was a HUGE milestone for my team. It was something that could NOT have been accomplished without the help and support of my amazing team. I am so thankful for them and have loved that the Lord has brought us all together on this journey.  While this is a milestone, I know it is ONE milestone, and is not the END milestone. In other words, this is just the beginning of many great things (working on toward GOLD people!).

Side note: If any of you are wondering about the Premier Aroma Collection (it retails at almost $3k, and is the company's gift to me for reaching silver in 6, can I just say I love Young Living?) that I earned. Below is a pic of me with the kit when it arrived. It was so fun opening up and I literally could smell the oils right when I opened the box!

If you would like to see the full version of me telling my story of how this began and some of my tips for building to silver, you can watch a video of me talking about it here where I was sharing for our team's weekly conference call.

However, I wanted to share some tid-bit's here too. First of all, let me just say that when I first began this journey, silver seemed SO far away. I say that to encourage you, in that everyone starts at the same level, and has the same initial thought when they look at the compensation plan. Goodness, I remember thinking that Executive seemed like such a long way away. Each of the ranks looks SO intimidating (at least they did for me) at first, but I am here to tell you that with consistent work and effort, you CAN reach those ranks and before you know it, you will be achieving numbers in your business that will BLOW your mind. Just for fun, here are some pictures of me at my first Young Living convention, 2 years ago (2014). I was a Star at the time:

One of the biggest things that has impacted me on this journey is the power of writing your goals and keeping them in front of you...
In December 2015, when I reached the rank of Executive, I had no idea if I was going to even be able to maintain it for the next month (which would have automatically dropped me out of qualification for Silver in 6). However, I knew my goal and what I wanted, and I kept pressing toward it. And I prayed, a lot. Don't ever underestimate the hand of God in your businesses. One of the biggest things that I knew above all else, was that this was in HIS hands and it was HIS businesses. Giving your business to the Lord is the BEST decision you can make for your success.

You see, even though I didn't know all the details of HOW I was going to make Silver in 6 happen at the time, I believed it would happen and I continued to do whatever it took to work towards my goal- even if it meant driving 1hr and 20min in rush hour to my group in Cinci for almost every weekend in March, getting up at 5am on my school break to help with a mom-to-mom sale, or stepping out of my comfort zone by calling people I didn't know. When you have a set goal, you will do CRAZY things to reach it, as long as you don't leave room for excuses.

You HAVE to KEEP your goal in front of you.  Honestly, it was scary writing my goal of silver by June when I wrote it for the first time, as it seemed so far away. In fact, I wrote that before I had even gone Executive (so it was REALLY scary). Below is a picture of my where I write my goals. You'll notice I had a different goal written initially for Silver, and I crossed that out and re-wrote my goal. Sometimes that happens, and that's OK!

Also, SHARE your goals with your upline mentor and downline leaders...this is a TEAM THEM succeed first and then you will too. Just never ever give up and I cannot emphasize this enough: keep your goals and dreams in front of you at ALL times. I had Si6 on my dream board, as well as a pin that said "silver by convention" that I carried with me to ALL my classes I did, as it was my reminder to me and my team of the bigger goal. Lastly, I put me as a silver as my screen background (It's now been changed to me as a Gold) on my phone. This is HUGE. Everyday I would see myself as a silver before I was even there. Let me ask you, do YOU see yourself where you want to be or where you are currently? It makes a difference in your mind, guys! I have many people ask me, "What does your phone background mean?" Which also gives me an opportunity for me to share with them what I'm doing!

Anyway, I want to encourage you all with CAN do this if you put your complete mind and focus on it. Be dedicated to your business. If you treat it like a real business (and not a hobby), it will reap the benefits of a real business.
This is JUST the beginning...the future is bright! With all the chaos in the world today, I am proud to be a part of something that gives people HOPE! Be encouraged today!

If you accidentally stumbled upon this page and want to find out more about Young Living and joining my team, just go ahead and click here.

Love you all! :)

Friday, August 5, 2016

DIY Easy Peasy [Chocolate Orange Peppermint] Dry Shampoo!

When I first discovered dry shampoo, it changed my life. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but it was definitely a big deal. I had no idea that you could just spray some stuff on your hair and VOILA, the grease was gone! After playing around with it a bit, I found out that most dry shampoos leave a nice white film on your hair, which gave me a nice salt-and-pepper/grey streaky look, which I really wasn't going for...I have since then found out that they have dry shampoo for dark hair (YAY), but since I've been into Young Living, I don't really like the idea of spraying toxic chemicals all over my scalp. SO when Young Living posted this recipe on their blog, I was ALL about it. It's SO easy, can be made for dark OR light hair, and literally took me 5 minutes to make (also it smells amazing!).

As with many of my DIY recipes, you have some leeway to modify it based on what oils you like and what you're going for. The recipe from the YL blog called for 2 drops each of Cedarwood and Rosemary, and 1 drop of Tea Tree Essential Oil. However, because I have dark hair and thus added the Cocoa, I went for oils that not only would be good for your hair/scalp, but also would complement the cocoa smell, hence Peppermint and Orange! Other oils you could try would be Cinnamon, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, or Lavender.

I have to say though, the Peppermint-Orange-Cocoa combination smells SO GOOD I could eat it!

Sometimes things get a little messy ;) 
And there you have it! Using a make-up brush to apply it to your roots works really well.

DIY Dry Shampoo (modified from the Young Living blog)


-1/4 c. Cornstarch
-1 tbsp. Baking Soda
- Young Living Essential Oils of Choice (see paragraph #2 above, listed below is what I used)
     - 2 drops each of Peppermint, Cedarwood, & Orange
-2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder, for dark hair only

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and store in your container of choice. I find using a make-up brush the best way to apply the shampoo, as it gives the most control and lets you reach the roots really well, though you can also store your shampoo in an empty salt and pepper shaker or baby powder bottle and use it that way. Be sure to let it sit in your hair for a minute so it can absorb the grease, then brush through with a comb or brush.

Happy Dry-Shampooing!

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